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Phone:  432-686-0003


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Norma Granado


My name is Norma Granado. The children here at Midland Academy call me Ms. Granado, Ms. Norma, Ms. Avocado, or Ms. Menudo.  They call me by my name in all kinds of ways and I answer to them all.  I love every child here at our school and even children that do not attend here.  I just love working with all children.  I have been at Midland Academy Charter for nine years and I am very happy here.  I previously worked as the Pre-K aide but this year I am working with Mrs. Paehl in the Jaguar Room as her assistant.  Working at MACS is the best job ever.  Thank you parents for all you do also.  You are what makes our school the best. 

Ms. Granado