Sick guidelines
Children need to remain home for any of the following:
- FEVER: 100º F or higher. They must remain fever-free for a full 24 hours from the first normal temperature (without fever reducing medication) before returning to school.
- RASH: Skin rashes of unknown origin or any rash accompanied by fever. Evaluation by the medical provider is required for rash illnesses in school-aged children as they may be a symptom of a communicable illness. A medical note clearing the child to return is required.
- VOMITING: Vomiting two or more times in a 24-hour period. Remain home until tolerating a normal diet and remaining symptom free for 24 hours.
- DIARRHEA: Two or more loose or watery stools. Remain home until tolerating a normal diet and remaining symptom free for 24 hours
- SORE THROATS: Sore throats with swollen glands and fever need medical evaluation. Fever is not always present with strep throat. Often, strep is accompanied by any combination of sore throat, headache, stomachache, “strawberry tongue” and a rash may or may not be present. Children must remain home and complete a full 24 hours of doses of antibiotics and be well enough to participate in the school day.
- COUGHS: A persistent cough that keeps a child up at night or will be disruptive to the learning process should remain home. A cough can be a symptom of a variety of medical conditions and, if persistent, should be evaluated by a physician. Cough in asthmatic children must be evaluated for exacerbation of asthma.
- ASTHMA: Signs of exacerbation of asthma, breathing difficulty, wheezing, cough, and increased use of inhaler or nebulizer treatment administered within the 12 hours prior to school. The medical provider should be consulted any time there is an increase in asthma symptoms. Notify the school nurse of any exacerbations of asthma &/or medication change.
- PINK EYE: Crusty, weepy, red eyes that may be signs of conjunctivitis (pink eye). Evaluation by the medical provider is required in school-age children due to the high communicability of pink eye. A medical note clearing the child to return is required.
- DISPOSITION / APPEARANCE: Appears unusually lethargic, difficult to wake, tired, pallor has decreased appetite, unusual inexplicable irritability, or “just isn’t themselves” needs to remain home.
- COMMUNICABLE ILLNESS: Any infectious or contagious disease that can infect other children including but not limited to influenza, whooping cough, impetigo, MRSA, shingles, gastroenteritis, bacterial infections, any vaccine preventable illness, or COVID-19. A medical note clearing the child to return is required.
Please contact the nurse if you have any questions.
Please see the Student handbook for other information as needed.