• School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)

    A SHAC is a school district created advisory group, consisting of members from different areas of the community and school district. The majority of members must be parents (not employed by the district). The job of the SHAC is to make sure that the school district’s school health programs reflect local community values. This is NOT an AUTHORITATIVE council, but a valued, respected and much needed ADVISORY council that will improve (and possibly drive) direct wellness through policy channels. Health behaviors have a direct impact on student academics and attendance. Schools, parents and community members can join forces to support knowledge, help form attitudes, and develop skills young people need to be healthy and affect lifelong healthy behaviors.





    2023-2024 Schedule of SHAC Meetings

    • October 6, 2023  (Friday) @ 8:10 am

    • December 1, 2023   (Friday) @ 8:10 am

    • February 2,2024   (Friday) @ 8:10 am

    • April 5,2O24  (Friday) @ 8:10 am

    SHACs are required to meet at least four times each year. Held in the conference room. Anyone may attend or be a member. 



    Wellness Plan Information