• The Midland Academy Charter School District Gifted and Talented education program seeks to identify students in grade Kindergarten - 8th who are highly able and advanced. If your child does these things most or all of the time, it would be appropriate to nominate the student for evaluation:
    • Wants to know about many things
    • Asks "why?" all the time
    • Is interested in things in which other children his/her age are not usually interested
    • Makes up games, songs or puzzles
    • Learns new things very quickly or easily
    Nominations take place once a year in January and assessments follow shortly.  A note will be sent home explaining the process at the end of January, if you are interested in applying for the GT program you may follow the steps outlined in the letter. If your child is accepted in to the program, they will be eligible for special instruction and projects during their allotted GT classroom time. All kindergarten students will be screened in January for the GT program.